8 Reasons to Focus On Anorectal Manometry Right Now

Published on Jun 6, 2022

There’s never been a better time to add anorectal manometry to your practice to diagnose and treat patients with incontinence and other toileting problems. It’s essential to develop a plan to open a new care path and compare technology options. But, the longer you wait, the more opportunities that are missed.

Now is the time to focus on anorectal manometry! Here’s why

Aging population

It’s no secret that the U.S. population is aging. As people get older, problems of fecal and urinary incontinence, as well as chronic constipation, become increasingly common. Patients need testing and care.

Longer lifespans

That aging population also is living longer—and the ranks of seniors are swelling, meaning that people will be living with these problems for longer periods of time, and they need to be addressed.

Active lifestyles

Today’s focus on active senior lifestyles poses a problem for those suffering from incontinence, which is often housebound or virtually tethered to toilets. This lack of social and physical activities is a further drain on psychological and physical health. Appropriate diagnosis and treatment are life-changing

Growth of daycare

On the other end of the spectrum, with large numbers of women in the workforce, youngsters now need to master age-appropriate toileting routines earlier than ever before. Chronic constipation, soiling, and inappropriate bowel movements occur with frequency among young children—and older children as well. These problems prevent youngsters from entering daycare and can prevent a parent from holding a job and earning an income

Earlier schooling

Today, most youngsters attend nursery school, and kindergarten is typically on a full-day schedule. Likewise, toileting problems may prevent children from participating in early educational experiences or cause them to frequently miss class. In addition to the stigma attached to toileting problems, children will fall behind peers in educational and social development if they cannot attend school.

The athletic age

America's love affair with fitness continues to grow. Any type of incontinence interferes with sports and athletic pursuits. Urine leakage during physical movement or activity can be a particular problem for women after childbirth and when they long to resume exercise regimes, get back in shape, and rejoin their peers

Effective incontinence support products

A host of specialized products that prevent leakage and help people deal with incontinence are available today. Combined with appropriate diagnosis and therapies that minimize symptoms, these new products make it possible for people suffering from incontinence to lead far more normal lives than before. While they may not be completely problem-free, the combination of products and therapies can minimize toileting events and the fear of embarrassing accidents

Easy access to anorectal equipment with mcompass

Today, Medspira’s mcompass® makes anorectal manometry practical and affordable for most office-based practices.

  • The handheld mcompass device doesn’t require a dedicated room as do most other devices.

  • It can be conveniently stored on a shelf or in a cabinet and set up in minutes.

  • Disposable probes eliminate expensive and time-consuming cleaning and sterilization.

  • And the exams can be delivered by nurses, technologists, or medical assistants.

The age of anorectal manometry has arrived. What are you waiting for? Contact us today to get started.

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